Monday, May 11, 2009


Students decide their fate: Miserable or Marketable?

Laurie Muriel, Co-Director of the Professional Services Department spoke about being miserable or marketable at the quarterly Professional Development Day this week.

She shared with the students her philosophy of not waiting until your financial situation is critical, but to look ahead and plan the future with purpose. Discussion topics were about opportunities, missed opportunities and making your own opportunities. Career marketing with the “4 P’s of Marketing: Product, Placement, Pricing, and Promotion” was the highlight of the presentation.

The Product is YOU. Ms Muriel shared with students the importance of Career Marketing, “packaging” yourself and how it affects the hiring manger’s decision. Placement is about being in the right place at the right time, or creating your own opportunities. Pricing is not to underestimate or over estimate your worth. Promotion is about creating an “Elevator Pitch”. An “elevator pitch” is a brief introduction about who you are, what you do, resulting in an action such as setting up an appointment or handing out a business card. Students developed their own “elevator pitches” and delivered them to their peers on the big stage. It was great practice and a skill that will be needed by all students as they network and break into their respective careers.

Debra A Hooper
Vice President/Director
School of Communication Arts
@ Digital Circus

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